BottleFlipping Games
FlipTacToe Games
Game 1:
- Player 1 gets 4 beverages
- Player 2 gets 5 different beverages.
- Alternatively use silicone bottle toppers (sold separately) to mark your bottles
- Players 1 and 2 alternate placing bottles to get 3 in a row.
Game 2: (plastic bottles only)
- Fill at least 3 bottles per player 1/3rd full of water
- Affix cap tightly. Use a silicone bottle topper (sold separately) or other mark to distinguish bottles
- Players alternate Flipping Bottles into the holes trying to get 3 in a row.
Bottle Battle (2+ Flippers)
- Flippers decided whether to use 1 or 2 bottles each.
- Flippers take positions around a single FlipTable.
- Say "1, 2, 3, Flip!" to start the game.
- Each bottle land counts 1 point, cap lands count 3 points.
- The first Flipper to 12 points wins!
W-A-T-E-R (2+ Flippers)
- Choose a Flipper to start the flips.
- The first Flipper "calls" their flip. Cap lands, bottle lands, or well described epic fails count.
- If the flip is successful, the other Flippers must match the flip or are "awarded" a letter, starting with W.
- If the flip is unsuccessful, the next Flipper calls their flip.
- Flippers are eliminated once they collect the letters that spell W-A-T-E-R.
Flip Solo
- Set a timer for 1 minute.
- Start flipping and count each time you successfully land.
- Video your flipping if possible.
- Post your results/video and see how you compare to Flippers from around the globe.
Flip Flush (2+ Flippers)
- Each Flipper positions around their own FlipTable.
- Say "1, 2, 3, Flip!" to start the game.
- Flip bottles onto your FlipTable until all of the holes are filled.
- The first Flipper to fill their holes, wins!